Names in blue are/were members of the Gopinath Lab at UC Merced.
56 Kinetically arrested clusters in active filament arrays
S Karayat, PK Purohit, L Mahadevan, A. Gopinath* and R. Chelakkot* (submitted).
*Corresponding authors
55 Brownian dynamics simulations guide the design of soft active bioinspired micro-swimmers
D. Akpinaroglu, A. Mishra, S. Mehrad and A. Gopinath* (in revision).
*Corresponding author
54 Persistence of strain in motor-filament assemblies
A. Gopinath*, Raghunath Chelakkot and L Mahadevan* (in revision).
*Corresponding authors
53 Swarming bacterial fronts: Dynamics and morphology of active swarm interfaces propagating through passive frictional domains
J. Tamayo, Y. Zhang, A. E. Patteson, A. Ardekani and A. Gopinath* (in revision).
*Corresponding author.
52 Elastic interactions compete with persistent cell motility to drive durotaxis
S Bose, H Wang, X Xu*, A. Gopinath*, and K Dasbiswas*, Biophysical Journal 123 (21), 3721-3735.
*Corresponding authors
51 Clots reveal anomalous elastic behavior of fiber networks
A. Zakharov, M. Awan, A Gopinath, S.-J. Lee, A. Ramasubramaniam and K. Dasbiswas,
Science Advances 10 (2), eadh1265.
50 Multi-population dissolution in confined active fluids
C. Fylling, J. Tamayo, A. Gopinath* and M. Thiellard, Soft Matter 20 (7), 1392-1409.
*Corresponding authors
Cover article
49 Facile determination of the Poisson's ratio and Young's modulus of polyacrylamide gels and
A. M. Smith, DG Inocencio, BM Pardi, A. Gopinath* and R. C. Andresen Eguiluz*, ACS Applied Polymer
Materials 6 (4), 2405-2416.
*Corresponding authors
49 Natural and engineered isoforms of the inflammasome adaptor ASC form non-covalent, pH-responsive
Eduardo A Gaspar-Morales, Anthony Waterston, Pedro Diaz-Parga, Ariell M Smith, Mourad Sadqi, A.
Gopinath, R. C. Andresen Eguiluz and E. de Alba, Biomacromolecules 24 (12), 5563-5577.​
48 Size-Dependent Diffusion and Dispersion of Particles in Mucin
P. Kumar, J. Tamayo, R.-F. Shiu, W.-C. Chin and A. Gopinath*, Polymers 2023, 15(15), 3241.
*Corresponding author
47 Ambient Fluid Rheology Modulates Oscillatory Instabilities in Filament-Motor Systems
J. Tamayo, A. Mishra and A. Gopinath*, Frontiers in Physics, 478 (2022).
*Corresponding author
46 Collective States of Active Particles With Elastic Dipolar Interactions
S. Bose, P. S. Noerr, A. Gopinathan, A. Gopinath and K. Dasbiswas, Frontiers in Physics, 10 (2022).
45 Glycosaminoglycans and glycoproteins influence the elastic response of synovial fluid nanofilms on model
oxide surfaces
A. S. Mann, A. M. Smith, J. O. Saltzherr, A. Gopinath and R. C. Andresen Eguiluz, Colloids and Surfaces B.
Biointerfaces, 213, 112407 (2022).
44 Spreading rates of bacterial colonies depend on substrate stiffness and permeability
M. E. Asp, M.-T. H. Thanh, D. A. Germann, R. J. Carroll, A. Franceski, R. D. Welch, A. Gopinath and A. E.
Patteson, PNAS Nexus 1(1) (2022).
43 Fluid-Structure Interaction of Slender Biofilaments at Low Reynolds Numbers
M. Mortazavi, V. Ayyaswamy, A. Gopinath and S. Goyal, IMECE2021-70702, V010T10A043. (Online 2022,
Print 2021).
42 Matrix Stiffness Modulates Mechanical Interactions and Promotes Contact between Motile Cells
S. Bose, K. Dasbiswas and A. Gopinath*, Biomedicines 9(4), 428. (2021).
*Corresponding author
41 Synchronized oscillations, traveling waves, and jammed clusters induced by steric interactions in active
filament arrays
R. Chelakkot*, M. H. Hagan and A. Gopinath*, Soft Matter, 17(4), 1091 (2021).
*Corresponding author(s)
40 Three-dimensional nonlinear dynamics of prestressed active filaments: flapping, swirling, and flipping
S. Fatehiboroujeni*, A. Gopinath* and S. Goyal, PRE, 103 (1), 013005 (2021).
*Corresponding author(s)
39 Extensions of the worm-like-chain model to tethered active filaments under tension
X. Liao, P. Purohit and A. Gopinath*, Journal of Chemical Physics, 153, 194901(2020).
*Corresponding author
38 Elastohydrodynamical instabilities of active filaments, arrays and carpets analyzed using slender body theory,
A. Sangani and A. Gopinath*, Physical Review Fluids 5 (8), 083101 (2020).
*Corresponding author
37 Buckling instabilities and nonlinear dynamics of active elastic filaments,
Y. Fily, P. Subramaniam, T. Schneider and A. Gopinath*, Journal of the Royal Society Interface 17 (165),
20190794 (2020).
*Corresponding author
36 Quenching active swarms: Effect of high intensity light exposure on suppression of collective motility in
swarming Serratia marcescens,
J. Yang, P. E. Arratia, A. E. Patteson and A. Gopinath*, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 16 (156),
20180960 (2019).
*Corresponding author
35 Effect of Drag and Pre-Stress on Oscillations Caused by Follower Forces in Continuum Rods,
S. Fatehiboroujeni, A. Gopinath* and S. Goyal*.
(Conference abstract NODYCON2019)
*Senior corresponding authors
Selected highlights and press: Awarded the Ali Nayfeh Prize (Top 3) in NODYCON2019 (Rome, 2019)
34 The propagation of active-passive interfaces in bacterial swarms,
A. E. Patteson, A. Gopinath and P. E. Arratia, Nature Communications, 9, Article number: 5373 (2018).
33 Nonlinear oscillations induced by follower forces in pre-stressed clamped rods subjected to drag,
S. Fatehiboroujeni, A. Gopinath* and S. Goyal*, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics
Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, doi:10.1115/1.4041681 (2018).
*Senior corresponding authors
32 Follower forces in pre-stressed fixed-fixed rods to mimic oscillatory beating of active filaments,
S. Fatehiboroujeni, A. Gopinath* and S. Goyal*, Proceedings of the ASME IDETC/CIE, Quebec City,
Canada (2018).
*Senior corresponding authors
Selected highlights and press: Best student paper award, Best paper award (ASME-IDETC/CIE)
31 Flagellar swimming in viscoelastic fluids: Role of fluid elastic stress revealed by simulations based on
experimental data,
C. Li, B. Qin, A. Gopinath, P. E. Arratia, B. Thomases and R. D. Guy,
Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 14 (135), 20170289 (2017).
2016 and Prior
30 Active colloids in complex fluids,
A. E. Patteson*, A. Gopinath* and P. E. Arratia,
Current. Opinion. Colloid. Int. Sci., 21, 86-96 (2016).
*Equal contribution
29 Particle diffusion in active fluids is non-monotonic in size,
A. E. Patteson, A. Gopinath, P. K. Purohit and P. E. Arratia,
Soft Matter, 12, 2365-2372 (2016).
28 Running and tumbling with E. coli in polymeric solutions,
A. E. Patteson, A. Gopinath, M. Goulian, P. E. Arratia,
Scientific Reports, 5, 15761 (2015).
Selected highlights and press: Penn News,, NSF News feature,,,
Science Daily, Health Canal, Medical News Today.
27 Flagellar Kinematics and Swimming of Algal Cells in Viscoelastic Fluids,
B. Qin, A. Gopinath, J. Yang, J. P. Gollub, and P. E. Arratia,
Scientific Reports, 5, 9190 (2015).
Selected highlights and press: Penn News,, MIT news,, MyScience, Science Daily,
Technobahn, EurekAlert!
26 Thermally tunable, self-healing composites for soft robotic applications,
N. Cheng, A. Gopinath, Lifeng Wang, P. Hosoi and K. Iganema,
Macro. Mat. Eng., 299 (11), 1279 (2014).
Selected highlights and press:, MIT Technology Review,,
25 Dynamics of connected self-propelled Brownian particles,
R. Chelakkot*, A. Gopinath*, L. Mahadevan and M. F. Hagan,
Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 11(92), 20130884 (2014).
*Equal contribution
Selected highlights and press: Brandeis university press,
24 Stability analysis of multi-scale complex fluid flows using Newton-GMRES,
Z. Anwar, A. Gopinath and R. C. Armstrong,
Rheo. Acta., 51(9), 849 (2012).
23 Self-regulated patterns in self-propelled particle systems,
A. Gopinath, M. F. Hagan, C. M. Marchetti and A. Baskaran,
PRE, 85, 061903 (2012).
22 How things get stuck: Kinetics, Elastohydrodynamics and soft adhesion,
M. Mani, A. Gopinath and L. Mahadevan,
PRL,108, 226104 (2012).
21 Elastohydrodynamics of wet bristles, carpets and brushes,
A. Gopinath and L. Mahadevan,
Proc. Roy. Soc. A., 467, 1665 (2011).
20 Semipermeable vesicles composed of natural clay,
A. B. Subramaniam, J. Wan, A. Gopinath and H. A. Stone,
Soft Matter 7 (6), 2600 (2011).
Selected highlights and press: MIT Technology Review, Harvard Gazette, Harvard Crimson, Pour la Science,, Science Daily.
19 Wax-coated soft composites for controllable stiffness robotic elements,
N. Cheng, A. Gopinath, P. Hosoi and K. Iganema,
MRS proceedings, Boston (2010).
18 Cell and Biomolecular mechanics in silico,
A. Vaziri and A. Gopinath,
Nat. Mat., 7, 15 (2008).
17 Continuum based computational methods in cell and nuclear mechanics,
A. Vaziri, A. Gopinath and V. Deshpande,
JoMMS, 2 (6), 1169 (2007).
16 Transitions to nematic states in homogeneous suspensions of high aspect ratio magnetic rods,
A. Gopinath*, L. Mahadevan and R.C. Armstrong,
Phys. Fluids, 18, 028102 (2006).
*Corresponding author
15 Second order sharp-film and thin film asymptotic analyses and error minimization for a phase-field description of a two-sided binary alloy solidification,
A. Gopinath*, R. C. Armstrong and R. A. Brown,
J. Crystal. Growth, 291, 272 (2006).
*Corresponding author
14 Droplet rebound from rigid or strongly hydrophobic surfaces
A. Gopinath*,
arXiv preprint physics/0510256, - Reviewed & cited report (2005).
*Corresponding author
13 Observations on the eigenspectrum of the linearized Doi equation and application to numerical simulations of liquid crystal suspensions,
A. Gopinath, R. C. Armstrong and R. A. Brown,
J. Chem. Physics, 121, 6093 (2004).
12 Coalescence and bouncing of small aerosol droplets,
G. A. Bach, D. L. Koch and A. Gopinath,
J. Fluid Mech., 518, 157 (2004).
11 Collision and rebound of small droplets in an incompressible, continuum gas,
A. Gopinath and D.L. Koch, J. Fluid Mech.,
454, 145 (2002).
10 Hydrodynamic interactions between particles and drops in a rarefied gas,
A. Gopinath,
Ph. D. Thesis, Cornell University (2001).
9 Dynamics of droplet rebound from a weakly deformable gas-liquid interface,
A. Gopinath and D. L. Koch,
Phys. Fluids, 13 (12), 3526 (2001).
8 Effect of pore blockage on adsorption isotherms and dynamics: anomalous adsorption of Iodine on activated carbon,
S. K. Bhatia, F. Liu and A. Gopinath,
Langmuir, 16, 2001 (2000).
7 Hydrodynamic interactions between two equal spheres in a highly rarefied gas,
A. Gopinath and D. L. Koch,
Phys. Fluids, 11 (9), 2772 (1999).
6 Lubrication flows between spherical particles colliding in a compressible non-continuum gas,
A. Gopinath, S. B. Chen and D. L. Koch,
Oceanographic Literature Review 1 (45), 210 (1998).
5 Lubrication flows between spherical particles colliding in a compressible non-continuum gas,
A. Gopinath, S. B. Chen and D. L. Koch,
J. Fluid Mech., 344, 245 (1997).
4. A method for calculating hydrodynamic interactions between two bodies in a low Mach number, free-
molecular flow with application to the resistivity functions for two aligned cylinders,
A. Gopinath and D. L. Koch,
Phys. Fluids, 9, 3550 (1997).
3 Determination of concentration-dependent adsorbate diffusivities by numerical inversion,
A. Gopinath and S. K. Bhatia,
Chem. Engg. Sci., 50 (8), 1361 (1995).
2 Studies on adsorption,
A. Gopinath and S. K. Bhatia, IITB,
Project # 36/2/92-G IIT/DAE- Government of India (1995).
1 Studies on adsorption - Dynamics and equilibrium,
A. Gopinath, B. Tech. Dissertation,
IIT Bombay (1994).